New Look and New Design
Using HTML,CSS,PHP,JS Develop Website.
HTML,CSS,PHP,JS Tutorials Application for Computer and IT Student and Developer.
HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language
CSS - Cascading Style Sheet
PHP- Personal Home Page
JS- Java Script
MY SQL - PHP MyAdmin
HTML5 - Hyper Text Markup Language with new Forms Elements.
The permissions we have requested below are only to perform the main features of our application, we do not collect data or user information.
to use sharing Quiz Questions.
to use check connectivity of INTERNET permission.
3. Cordova Lib and Javascript for New attractive Design
Without HTML,CSS,PHP,JS not possible develop website so HTML,CSS,PHP,JS is very use full for all developer.
Instead of giving us a lower rating, please mail us your queries, issues or suggestions at
We will be happy to solve them for you:-)
Third party resources be used (The ownership is belong to them.):
1) Tutorial Website.
2) Cordova Libs